Closing note
05 Feb 2021
In many ways, I could have done better. In many ways, I feel guilty for what happened. In many ways, I hope everything was good. The new helma-dev is now on: https://github.com/helma-dev/kusaba-helma https://www.helma.xyz/ Have a nice day, rest well, be well. Goodnight Helmadmin.
Dev Where'd You Go
20 Jun 2016
In short: Personal laptop was given to sibling for education Carpal tunnel syndrome A lot more work in work A lot more life in life Or, you could group them all under the common name of “excuses”. Sorry for the zero work done lately (and to come), but I still...
Emergency Announcement
26 Apr 2016
This is an emergency announcement. We are currently having issues with Helma, and it is more or less in a lockdown now. Discussions can be found here, but desustorage appears to be down for me as well. Not a good day to start with today. Update: 4 May 2016 Helma’s...